Sunday, November 07, 2004

New York New York!

I have always loved New York City. And reading these two articles made me felt even stronger for it. The people living there, are diverse, colorful, and so receptive to "thinking differently". The people you speak to there, are more streetsmart, enthusiatic about their jobs and just basically more passionate about their own beliefs, yet theya re also extremely open to new and different ideas. They love being where they are and being who they are. I just wish the rest of America is more like that. Ironic isn't it, that they were the ones being attacked, yet 80% of them voted against Bush. Hope that will send some sort of signal to those heartlanders who overwhelmingly voted for Bush.

A Blue City (Disconsolate, Even) Bewildered by a Red America

Two Nations Under God

I truly miss New York. Maybe i should just take a quite direct flight there for a quick getaway. New York New York!!

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