Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Why don't you be straightforward as well Dr Vivian Balakrishnan?
Our favourite YOG MP Dr Vivan Balakrishnan, now is accusing (wait ... hinting?) SDP's Dr Wijeysingha as having a ulterior motive in his political agenda. Why i say hinting? Cos he didn't give very much specifics. He pointed to a video on youtube (which he didn't specify) as evidence for his accusation (wait hint) for a ulterior movtive which he also didn't specify.
Why didn't he just be specific? Is he afraid to utter the "G" word? And why is the gay issue even an issue in this election? Unless he thinks it can be a bad thing for the voters? Oh Dr V, can you be even more specfic? Can you stop hinting? Just be straightforward about your thoughts can you? Can you tell us why that video about Dr Wijeysingha being at a forum discussing some gay issue would be a bad thing for a voter. Please explain. Please be as straightforward as you want Dr Wijeysingha to be straightforward about his political agenda.
You flung the dung over first, so i think it is fair that you explain why you did so.
Monday, April 25, 2011
It's been so long!!!
Oh well, but in these years, facebook seems to have erased the need for a blog anyways. You can post your thoughts, photos videos, links ... any damn thing you can think of and if it is any good, your friends will help you spread the word ... and at least it is within your circle of your friends. Though privacy really doesn't mean anything on facebook - it is practically non existent.
Well, so what brings me back? Well, really it is just cos I haven't felt so excited about my country's politics in a long time! I haven't felt such passion and excitement about SG since ... I was in secondary school and attending the national day parade at the national stadium amongst the crowd singing "Count on me Singapore!".
This upcoming election has made me feel that Singaporeans actually do care a shit about the country, and I can see why. I never felt this way about the previous elections because it always ends up just having a few GRCs being involved, and the rest of the nation can do nothing but watch by the side and feel powerless. We can't get involved even if we wanted to. My GRC always got walked over.
This time, almost all GRCs are contested. ALMOST ALL ... except one .... Tangjong Pagar. As of writing, SDA has decided to not contest that GRC. Sigh ... and there goes my hope of finally able to contribute to making my voice heard. There's still 2 days left, and I still hope I will not end up a spectator again.
But like I said before, this time is different. Almost everyone in SG will have a chance to participate in a new chapter of the country and make a difference in the history of the country.
And we wil finally know if what PAP said was right - that most people are actually happy on the ground and those online do not represent the majority. Or will it end up proving that PAP is just simply way out of touch.
Exciting times! It is times like this that I feel proud to be a Singaporean again. Thanks fellow Singaporeans for standing up for your rights! Let's stand up for Singapore!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
FLY BY NIGHT Challenge is here again!!
Dates: 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2009
Venues: Objectifs Centre for Photography & Filmmaking & The Substation
Facebook: Fly By Night Video Challenge
Website: http://www.fly-by-night.org
Enquiries? Email info@objectifs.com.sg
Expect the unexpected! Fly By Night the space for original voices in filmmaking.
A weekend of mayhem and magic! Bringing together a sizable group of filmmakers and enthusiasts, the
objective is to “make the video you have always wanted to make in one weekend”.
Fly By Night encourages creativity, absurdity, spontaneity and pure fun.
Participants join in a group not more than 4 persons. A theme is given by the organisers at the common
meeting place on Friday and the race begins. Participants then spend the next 48 hours creating – shooting and editing.
Ten films selected by the judges receive $300/- each. The judges’ decision is based on the creators’ ability to make the most interesting work with limited time and money. Judges’ Choice will be announced 'live' on the Sunday night itself.
We are inviting participants to Twitter and Facebook their journey!
Pre-Event Screening – 2008 Judges’ Choice Selection
Venue: Objectifs Centre for Photography and Filmmaking
Dates: 30 Oct 2009, Fri
Time: from 6pm
Admission: Free
Friday, 30 Oct 2009
Objectifs Centre for Photography & Filmmaking, 56A Arab Street, Singapore 199753. For directions,
visit www.objectifs.com.sg
7.30pm: Opening the Fly By Night Video Challenge 2009. Topic is announced. The Challenge begins.
Saturday, 31 Oct 2009
Participants make their video.
Sunday, 1 November 2001
The Substation Theatre, 45 Armenian Street, Singapore 179936. For directions, visit www.substation.org
12pm. Submission of videos
2pm: Screening of all entries
Late: Judges’ awards announced
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Featuring a new and very talented singer Shirlene Tia. Hopefully everyone will like it and go watch the film when it comes out in September! Tell your friends about it if you like it! The English Music Video will be released very soon! Look out for it!
音樂盒(十指相扣)- 《還魂》中文主題曲 Music box剛剛放在YOUTUBE讓大家觀賞!希望大家聽了會更想去看這部電影!!如果你喜歡的話,別忘了介紹給您的朋友聽喲!謝謝支持本地新人鄭詩潁和本地創作!《還魂》的英語主題曲將會在不久後推出!
Blood Ties The movie will be released 10 September 2009!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
《還魂》預告片 - Blood Ties The Movie Trailer!

Hello guys,
It's been months since I've written anything on my blog. And what really amazes me is that there are still hundreds of hits every month, which really boggles my mind.
And what have I been up to? A project that has been brewing over the past few years is about to be unleashed upon mankind! :D My feature film has finally wrapped production around end March, and my team and I have been working very hard to make sure that you all will have something to see on the big screen very soon. ... In fact, the date is finally set. 10 SEPTEMBER 2009!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!
For now, check out the official website! http://www.bloodtiesthemovie.com
The phase one launch of the site has the exclusive trailer not seen at the theaters! See if you can spot the difference between the theatrical version and this one here!
And along with the trailer launch we will be launching a blog containing ghost stories and spooky tales submitted by users. Send your tales to stories@bloodtiesthemovie.com and the top 10 stories will be given a pair of tickets to the gala premiere! At the same time, if you send in quick, we have about 100 copies of the posters around for the early birds submissions! :D Email us now!!! (See the cool poster above)
Well, a picture tells a thousand words. Here's the youtube version!
Official Website
Join us @ our Facebook Group (With photos!!)
Youtube Link
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ebay is not for Singaporeans
I haven't been selling my items to Singaporeans, because of many reasons. And low prices not being one of them. It is more the hassle. Yes .. it is more hassle to deal with Singaporean buyers than overseas ones trust me.
And the most annoying reason that makes me reluctant to sell to Singaporeas? ... drumroll please .... "Buay steady", "Not gentlemanly", "Does not keep their word"
Here are 2 cases where it is self explanatory.
Case 1:
I placed my ipod on ebay listing. The price was put there as $200. And I mentioned that I will not go below $150. Yet people are still SMSing me about prices that is below that. I choose to ignore them after a while.
And Singaporeans have the tendency to ask questions that is already clarified on the posting. Most primarily, "is there warranty" when I would have stated very clearly, "YES" or "NO".
Then this guy emailed/messaged me and enquired at length about the product. We agreed on the price, and then agreed to meet up at Orchard Road (town) to deal. He was saying he needed it urgently cos he needed to get it for his brother's birthday. So I drove to Orchard to meet him almost immediately.
Then when we met, he still said "No warranty leh. I buying present for my brother la .. can gimme $20 less somemore from the agreed price?" At that point I said "No ... sorry .. i am not selling anymore."
I walked off. And this is not the only time something like that happened.
Case 2:
I posted a LCD TV on ebay. $900 and specified please "no offers below $700". The usual offers below that ensued.
Then this SMS came: "Gd morning, is your LCD still on sale?"
I replied: "Hello. Yes it is still available"
He then text back: "Hello, can I get @400 anyway if 4 my young children"
I responded: "No."
I DON'T F #$#ING CARE IF U WANNA GET IT FOR YOUR DOGS TO WATCH. Or for your brother's birthday or funeral. Why even bring it up?!?!? Can you not read English? The reason there are hardly "30 days back guarantee" in Singapore is precisely because Singaporeans do not have integrity.
In Singapore, we describe these behaviors as "Not gentleman" or "Buay steady". And it all stems from a selffsh standpoint and an unwillingness to be considerate.
And sometimes, this is why Singaporeans complain about the bad level of service (or the lack of good service) in Singapore - they have to learn to start being reasonable customers too .... Stop using bad merchants as an excuse to not behave like a gentleman. You should behave like one regardless. No one's pointing a gun at your head to part with your cash if you do not want to.
When everyone starts being reasonable and understanding ... everything thing will work out great! We'll start seeing good customer service because merchants are more willing to give, and customers will start enjoying better service too. Vicious cycle works both ways - for good behaviors as well as bad ones.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
unlocked iPhone on M1 or other networks
- Make sure u have signed up a "mobile internet" sunsurf plan .. or be prepared to have your bill shoot into the stratosphere (a SunSurf 22 with 1GB data at 3.6Mbps is only $22 with $10.70 per GB. Quite reasonable. Can activate online or over phone. Almost immediate activation)
- Make sure u got a 3G SIM card. If you are already using a 3G phone, more than likely you have a 3G SIM card. Your SIM card should also have the word "3G" on it. If not sure, call M1 at 1627 to check.
- In the "Settings>General>Network>Cellular Data Network>" Enter the following:
APN: sunsurf
Username: 65
Password: user123
And voila! ... you are done.
- to check your 3G is working properly, you may turn off "Wifi" ("Settings>Wi-Fi>Off"), and see if you can access the internet via Safari or App Store. You should see a 3G logo at the top right hand corner too when 3G is in use.
So here you go. If you are a lucky chap able to get an unlocked (all Singtel and some countries like Australia) iphone, here's how you get it to run on M1.
*As for Starhub, I'm sure the tips above apply, except the data network APN, username and password would obviously be different. You can call Starhub for it. Other networks? Just make sure you get those cellular data APN,username and password right.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Singtel iPhone Pricing
Here's the new Singtel plans for the iphone coming in a few days
Three new data plans (all prices with GST)
iFlexi Value - $56 - 300 MB Data - 200 Mins Outgoing Voice - 500 SMS
iFlexi Plus - $95 - 500 MB Data - 500 Mins Outgoing Voice - 500 SMS
iFlexi Premium - $205 - 1500 MB Data - 1500 Mins Outgoing Voice - 1500 SMS
Additional data usage charged at 1cent for each 2KB extra. These plans also come with 3 value added services free (Voicemail, roaming and Caller ID)
Handset price (varies depending on the price plan)
Plan 8GB 16GB
iFlexi Value $348 (8GB) $508(16GB)
iFlexi Plus $49(8GB) $208(16GB)
iFlexi Premium Free(8GB) Free(16GB)
if you do not want to sign up for the above plans, and want to use your existing voice only plan and add the mobile on broadband plans, then the handset price will be more expensive and you will have to sign either a 24 month or 30 month contract
8GB - $568
16GB - $728
You cannot get the handset without any contract from singtel.
Oh and for those who are planning on taking the route of getting one and then terminating the contract, the penalty is $800!!!
So what are my thoughts?
If the above plans are true and they are not offering unlimited data, these are my conclusions:
- The person who set the pricing in Singtel is obviously a tech turd accountant. He/She probably doesn't even know why iphone is the big deal that it is ...
- they are insulting the intelligence of the customers here
- and those who will buy it are only justifying their cockiness and their actions
- we shld boycott Singtel's packages and make them suffer
- Thank God we have competition (M1 and Starhub should be able to offer their iPhones by Nov)
Update!! 20th-aug-2008
So the Real Prices and Plans have emerged!
Here's the real deal.
SingTel iPhone Price Plans | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
They have other iOne, ITwo, iThree and student plans which u can also subscribe to, but the above iFlexi plans are specially designed for the iphone. What you can notice is the largest difference are the amount of Data allowable are more generous. Not unlimited, but i am not sure 1GB, 2GB or even 3GB is enough for regular email and surfing use ... dun really track ... anyways ... i think i don't see why M1 or starhub can offer unlimited mobile 1Mbps internet at less than 20 bucks and Singtel can't offer something similar. Even if slightly more expensive, the unlimited data is what I would prefer over a faster Mbps for regular internet and email services. Heck i'll take 512kpbs unlimited over a data cap plan.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What is fair regulation?
He is a very passionate man, who believes strongly that NTUC income has crossed the ethical line in dealing with their insurance customer and has written harshly against them before. He also runs a website called THE ONLINE CITIZEN (http://theonlinecitizen.com/)
In the speech he gave, he emphasized that all businesses, not just NTUC, has a responsibility to make profits, but not obscene profits. And if there are obscene profits, they should be responsible to share it with their shareholders/customers. The talk also veered into the concepts of free market competition, and he emphasized that the government should step in to provide certain level of regulations in the market to prevent private firms from "cheating" the customers. Here is a link to an article on his the same issue which was basically the same speech he gave that night (http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/08/business-ethics-–-honesty-while-making-profits/)
While i appreciate what Mr Tan was driving at, I also want to draw attention to what appears to be a contradiction to what our business education typically preaches. In school, we are taught that all businesses eventually has one goal - to maximize profits. Of course it does not state anything about how and what u should or should not do to attain that goal. Many companies make a lot of profits, and some state that they should not, and many of these arguments are usually pointed towards organizations that have a somewhat "noble" or "socially conscious" purpose. And thus insurance companies are usually ones facing such criticism.
Given the fact that private or government owned companies that make money off of providing a service that is somewhat "socially responsible" in nature, proposition for organizations such as NKF and health insurance being somewhat regulated is justified. And to a certain extent, it is also somewhat the government's responsibility to ensure some form of regulation, should exist to ensure fairplay and encourage healthy competition and innovation within any markets. But they should only exist like a referee within a football match to ensure the game is played fairly. However here lies the biggest problem. What if the referee is not just an independent party but a member who could potentially benefit from either game players' outcome?
We are facing this question in Singapore. And the question here is: given the fact that our Singapore government (the referee) is also a major player in every major industry in Singapore (whether directly via NTUC or somewhat indirectly via some close minister's family ties), who is there to ensure that these companies are working for the people's interests or not? If the referee cannot conduct a game fairly, how can we be sure that the regulations that they put forth, won't be one to pursue their own interests?
While I applaud Mr Tan for his righteousness in wanting to push for ethical business runnings in NTUC, what is to ensure that eveyone in NTUC is equally ethical like him? If (and please note that this is an assumption) a minister in the ruling party has family connections involved in running companies of the likes of say ... NTUC, GIC or Temasek Holdings, would it be unreasonable to say that any government policies that is proposed by this minister could have been for personal gains?
If our country's watchdog (the ruling party) is both the referee and the soccer team, who would want to play?
From a speech by Mdm Halimah Yacob, NTUC ASG & MP for Jurong GRC at the PAP 50 Rally Held on Sunday 5 December 2004 at S’pore Indoor Stadium. With respect to why should NTUC and PAP form such a close bond and if it is good for Singapore, she said "The NTUC wants to secure a better life for workers. The PAP government wants a better life for Singaporeans. So, the NTUC maintains a symbiotic relationship with the PAP to work together for the common good of Singapore." Given the recent accusations that NTUC insurance is "cheating" the customers (Singaporean citizen) and the fact that it is supposed to serve the nation, can we say that the actions and policies of NTUC (or any government linked organizations), as well as the government themselves need to be carefully policed to ensure fairness.
Problem is as a country, we do not have a system where we allow our leaders to be scrutinized properly. Even when it comes to voting, I can only vote within my GRC (if I even get the chance to) for the MPs of the decisions they make, the arguments they put forth etc, but not for the leaders who exact the kind of policies that affect us all like say ... ERP, road tax, GST?
Correction: Mr Tan is not "running" The Online Citizen. But he is one of the senior editors. :) See the comment below
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The World Is Awesome - Boom De Ya Da
It kinda makes me wanna .. break into a song :) ... Boom De Ya Da Boom De Ya Da!
I love the mountains
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world
And all its sights and sounds
Boom de yada, boom de yada
Boom de yada, boom de yada
I love the oceans
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast
I love Egyptian kings
I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom de yada, boom de yada
Boom de yada, boom de yada
I love tornadoes
I love arachnids
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world
It’s such a brilliant place…
Boom de yada, boom de yada
Boom de yada, boom de yada